Watch Tre's top three tips on how to protect your hearing when listening to music.
Our new research has revealed that millions of music lovers may be at risk of permanent hearing damage.
We polled more than 2000 people who have attended, or plan to attend, a music event in 2024 and found that more than half (58%) of participants have experienced tinnitus or temporary hearing loss after listening to loud music. A third (33%) said they had experienced this...
Social research
The PSP wants to learn about your priorities for future studies about hearing and dementia in their second survey.
"By starting this campaign, and helping people realise their behaviour really does matter, we hope to encourage everyone to take simple steps to make a big change for millions of people."
Our major new research reveals the extent of the stigma and negative attitudes that deaf people and people with hearing loss experience on a regular basis.
The experiences of people with hearing loss suggests the need for urgent improvement within current audiology services and investment to meet future demand. Our new In Their Own Words report explores more.
RNID is working with Tesco to understand the current experience of using self-service kiosks by people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus.
Take part in the biggest survey we’ve ever run to understand public attitudes towards deaf people and people with hearing loss.
Working with the Electoral Commission we are exploring ways to improve information about how to vote in elections for deaf people and people with hearing loss.
Working with the Electoral Commission we are exploring ways to improve information about how to vote in elections for deaf people and people with hearing loss.
if someone you love is struggling with unaddressed hearing loss, it can leave them feeling left out and isolated from the conversation around the dinner table.