Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

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Media Bill passes and becomes the Media Act 2024!

Along with the tireless dedication of our campaigners, RNID is elated to see that the Media Bill (now called the Media Act 2024) has finally been passed with binding quotas for the provision of access services including subtitles and signed content set out in legislation.  We are one step closer to deaf people and people with hearing loss having equal access to on-demand programming. Without subtitles and signing on TV programmes, deaf people are excluded from watching television on demand...

New report reveals postcode lottery of ear wax removal services in England  

A new report from RNID has exposed the postcode lottery of NHS ear wax removal services in England.  Our new research revealed that less than half of Integrated Care Boards (ICB), the commissioners of most NHS services, are providing wax removal services in line with public health guidelines. Some parts of England don’t commission the service at all, leaving 9.8 million people totally without access on the NHS if they need it.  We’re demanding for change in our ear wax removal...
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