Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

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2023 Hearing Therapeutics Summit

2023 Hearing Therapeutics Summit

Summit organisers


RNID is a national charity supporting the 12 million people in the UK who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus. It is focussed on bringing an end to the discrimination faced by people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus, helping people hear better now and funding world class research to restore hearing and silence tinnitus.

RNID awards grants to support discovery and translational research into the development of treatments to prevent hearing loss, improve hearing and silence tinnitus. It also funds PhD studentships and fellowships to grow future capacity in hearing research.

RNID offers connections to resources and expertise to support the development of new treatments through its Hearing Therapeutics Initiative.

UCL Ear Institute

The UCL Ear Institute is the largest and most multidisciplinary centre for research into hearing and deafness in Europe, which is within UCL’s Faculty of Brain Sciences.

It brings exceptional discovery scientists and excellent clinicians together on one site with a unified goal of understanding hearing and fighting deafness.

Research at the Ear Institute is truly interdisciplinary and collaborative, enabling individual researchers to pool their expertise. In addition, partnerships with other UCL departments, centres and institutes, and across the world, ensure that research at the Ear Institute is world-leading and at the cutting edge.

NIHR UCLH BRC Deafness and Hearing Problems Theme

The NIHR UCLH BRC Hearing Health Theme builds on the unique partnership of the UCL Ear Institute and the UCLH Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital (RNTNEH). This university and hospital partnership provides the infrastructure, expertise, and excellence to deliver world-leading translational research in the field of hearing loss in partnership with the Industry and Civil Society.

Researchers within the NIHR UCLH BRC Hearing Health Theme aim to deliver targeted and transformative therapies and to prevent or alleviate deafness and hearing problems and to regenerate the hearing system. Our research focusses on people need, by understanding their context and requirements, and consequently offering them the best intervention.


We would like to thank the following sponsors for making this event, a satellite meeting of the 58th Inner Ear Biology Workshop, possible:

Satellite event of the 58th Inner Ear Biology Meeting