Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

Deaf awareness

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An illustration of two people signing. The man wears a cochlear implant.

18 million adults in the UK are deaf or have hearing loss. Over the last year, two thirds of our communities have experienced negative attitudes from others. We can all play our part to be more deaf aware, both at work and in daily life.

If you are deaf or have hearing loss, we have some tips you can use to help people better understand your communication needs.

Becoming deaf aware

‘It does matter’

Our new research reveals the impact negative public attitudes on people who are deaf people or have hearing loss. Invite everyone into the conversation with our communication tips.
Sign up to our communication tips

Communication tools for people with hearing loss

If hearing loss is new to you then these tips are designed to make people aware and your preferred communication style.

Help us fight the stigma

“I really hope … we can relate to each other by our similarities rather than our differences” – Rachel. We ensure that deaf people can access the support they need in a hearing world. Just £5 covers an enquiry made to Contact RNID.
Donate to RNID

Stay informed

One of the best ways to stay inclusive is to stay informed of what’s going on in the world for deaf people and those with hearing loss. Sign up to our newsletter for news and stories on developments in politics and campaigning, research and support opportunities.

Page last updated: 10 June 2024

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