Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID


Community volunteer in Northern England

Help us share information on deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus.

Here’s what you will be doing, the requirements we ask for and what you will get out of it.

Across the North of England with a particular focus on North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, Northumberland, the North East and Manchester. Face-to-face activities usually take place at a community centre or meeting house where community groups meet. Online presentations are home-based.
Depending on your availability. This is an ongoing role.

Usually weekdays, typical commitment of 3 hours per month

Please note you need to be over 18 for this role

What you’ll be doing

Our community volunteers usually:

  • volunteer at multiple locations, within your local area
  • don’t have a fixed time commitment
  • help us on an ad-hoc, flexible basis

You will be carrying out two main activities to help us make life fully inclusive for deaf people and people with hearing aids and tinnitus.

Main activities

1. Presenting and giving information

You will be giving presentations and talks to share information with groups and organisations. These might be in-person in the local community or held remotely online.

Through these presentations we aim to:

  • Raise awareness of deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus and the services and support available
  • Provide information on RNID, our activities, and how people can support us

2. Helping people check their hearing

You will be visiting groups in their communities to help people take the RNID online hearing check, taking people through the steps in person using a laptop or tablet provided by the group.

Supporting someone to take the online hearing check usually takes 10-15 minutes and will suggest if the person’s hearing is in normal range or they may have hearing loss.

Photograph of Victor

Read our Q&A with a community volunteer

Victor is an RNID community volunteer in Portsmouth. He tells us about his volunteer role and what he enjoys about the and the skills he’s gained so far
Read our Q&A



You will need to be over 18 to become a community volunteer.


You may need to be able to travel by car or public transport to different places. We’ll reimburse your expenses, according to the RNID Travel and Subsistence Policy.

What’s in it for you?

Training and support

You’ll receive a full induction and training, so you’ll feel prepared and confident before your first session. You’ll also get our volunteering handbook and volunteering policies to refer to. 

You’ll be assigned a supervisor who will provide ongoing support.

Meet like-minded individuals

We will introduce you to our community of volunteers. 

Make a difference

There are more than 18 million people in the UK who are deaf, have hearing loss of tinnitus. You will make a difference to the lives of the people that we support.

This volunteering arrangement is not intended to be legally binding or to create a contract.

Our commitment to safeguarding

At RNID, we take very seriously our responsibilities for the safety and welfare of the people who use our services, our volunteers, staff and the organisation as a whole.

All applicants successful at interview will be asked to disclose unspent convictions under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (as amended in 2013).

Criminal records will be taken into account only when the conviction is relevant and declaring a conviction will not necessarily prevent you from being considered for a role. Any decisions will depend on the type of offence and its relevance to the volunteering role that you are applying for at RNID.

Find out more and apply


Once you apply, our Volunteer team will review your application and someone will contact you within five working days to talk about next steps.

Investing in Volunteers

We achieved the Investing in Volunteers quality mark in 2023 for the work we do with volunteers across the UK.

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