Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

Get sponsored

A woman and her daughter, smiling

Top tips for getting sponsored when you’re taking on a challenge.

Set up an online fundraising page

It’s quick and easy to set up an online fundraising page with JustGiving so you can raise money for RNID. JustGiving clearly explains how to do this in a step-by-step guide.

Make sure your page explains why you’re taking on a challenge to raise money for RNID, and what it means to you. If people know why you’re taking on a challenge, they’re more likely to sponsor you!

JustGiving has put together some top story writing tips.

Is there anything you can do to stand out from the fundraising crowd? Would wearing a fancy-dress outfit during the challenge (if it’s safe) be a fun way to get more support?

Printable sponsorship form

Looking for a downloadable sponsorship form you can print off? Look no further.
Download your sponsorship form

Aim high with your fundraising goal

Having a target gives you and your supporters something to aim for. Not only that, JustGiving says that pages with a target raise 46% more.

Let the world know

Don’t be afraid to share your fundraising page on social media and talk about your amazing efforts. You’re doing a great thing, don’t be shy!

Don’t forget about email either – you’ll have friends, colleagues and neighbours who won’t see your social posts but who’d love to support you.

Share regular updates

If you’re training for a challenge, your supporters will enjoy following your progress. Let them know how you’re doing with regular updates on your fundraising page.

You might also inspire others to sponsor if you share some photo updates on social media. Include any training milestones reached – and how you feel.

Get creative with your fundraising

If you’re trying to hit a big target, a few smaller fundraising events in the build up can help you get there – sell raffle tickets, have a bake sale or hold a pub quiz. Ask your employer if they can offer any support – every little bit helps!

Page last updated: 31 October 2023

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