RNID is a member of the Disability Charities Consortium (DCC).
The DCC brings together CEOs and policy leads from nine of the UK’s leading not-for-profit disability organisations. We make sure disabled people’s experiences are reflected in UK policy making by working collaboratively to influence Government.
DCC members
- Business Disability Forum (BDF)
- Leonard Cheshire
- National Autistic Society
- Mencap
- Mind
- Royal National Society of Blind people (RNIB)
- Scope
- Sense
What the DCC does
- The DCC feeds insights and topical concerns into the Disability Unit to help inform disability related policy development.
- DCC member CEOs regularly meet with senior officials in the Disability Unit, the Minister for Disabled People (MfDP) and other key ministers.
- DCC member policy leads regularly engage with the Unit’s stakeholder engagement team.
Together, the DCC has produced the below documents which can be downloaded below:
Our manifesto briefing for the Minister for Disabled People on what we collectively want to see the UK Government achieve for disabled people. We submitted this to the Government’s Disability Unit in September 2022.
Our joint response to the Women and Equalities Committee’s inquiry on the National Disability Strategy, which we submitted to the inquiry in July 2022.
Our manifesto for what we collectively wanted to see in the National Disability Strategy. We submitted this to the Government in January 2021.
If it would be easier for you to have these documents in a different format, please get in touch with us at contact@developer.rnid.org.uk .