Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID


It Does Matter campaign sign-up

Two images side by side. On the left is a man standing outside in the dark, wearing running clothes. On the right is a school child wearing school uniform. Both are smiling and have their arms crossed in front of them.

Imagine being told ‘it doesn’t matter whenever you try to join in.

Over the last year, two thirds of deaf people and people with hearing loss have experienced negative attitudes from others.

You can show that it does matter by signing up to receive our top tips on how to include deaf people and people with hearing loss in the conversation.

By signing up to our campaign you’ll receive a series of helpful communication tips, including:

  • Easy-to-use tips on how to communicate 
  • Videos of simple British Sign Language phrases 
  • The small changes you can make to show ‘It does matter’ at home, at work and out and about. 

Sign up to our ‘It Does Matter’ campaign today

Help us show deaf people and people with hearing loss that ‘it does matter’.

Sign up to receive easy-to-use tips on how to communicate, videos of simple British Sign Language phrases and the small changes you can make to show ‘it does matter’ at home, at work and out and about. 

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