Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

Facts and statements on inclusion


  • 9/10 of respondents to our Subtitle It Survey (May 2023) with hearing loss and who were deaf usually or always use subtitles when watching TV [1].
  • 97% of respondents told us they tried to watch a programme and found there were no subtitles [1].

Access to Services 

People who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus experience issues accessing or communicating with essential everyday services, in particular utilities companies, supermarkets, and essential retail [2].

Interpreter Provision 

In the UK there are currently around 1500 registered sign language interpreters. With up to 87,000 deaf BSL users in the UK, that’s roughly only 1 interpreter for every 60 deaf BSL users [3].  

Public attitudes

  • Over two thirds (67%) of deaf people and people with hearing loss have experienced negative attitudes or behaviours in the last year [2]
  • A third (33%) of people with hearing loss, and just under two thirds of deaf people (61%) and British Sign Language (BSL) users (63%) have experienced people talking to someone who is with them, rather than directly to them in the last year [2]
  • The impact on people who are deaf or have hearing loss cannot be underestimated. Our research shows that over a third (39%) felt this impacted their confidence, nearly half (47%) felt excluded and a third (33%) felt lonely [2]
  • Over half (54%) of people who are deaf or have hearing loss report that people tell them ‘It doesn’t matter’ and change the topic when they are struggling to understand what is being said [2]

Customer services

  • Customer services: 27% of people with hearing loss, 39% of deaf people and 60% of BSL users have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from in-person customer service staff in the last 12 months [2].
  • Call centre staff: 45% of people with hearing loss, 54% of deaf people and 64% of BSL users have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from call centre staff in the last 12 months [2] 


While shopping, 51% of people with hearing loss, 69% of deaf people and 81% of BSL users have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from retail staff in the last 12 months [2]


In hospitality, 44% of people with hearing loss, 57% of deaf people and 77% of BSL users have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from staff in the last 12 months [2]

Public transport

22% of people with hearing loss, 36% of deaf people and 62% of BSL users have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from staff on public transport in the last 12 months [2].  


  • Admin health staff: 36% of people with hearing loss, 57% of deaf people and 78% of BSL users have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from admin health staff (such as receptionists) in the last 12 months [2]
  • Medical health staff: 24% of people with hearing loss, 43% of deaf people and 72% of BSL users have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from medical health staff (such as GPs or audiologists) in the last 12 months [2]

Friends and family

  • Family members: Nearly half (48%) of deaf people and people with hearing loss report they have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from their own family members in the last 12 months [2]
  • Friends: 39% of people with hearing loss, 46% of deaf people and 42% of BSL users have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from friends in the last 12 months [2]

At work

  • Work colleagues: In the workplace, a quarter (24%) of people who are deaf say they have experienced negative attitudes from work colleagues, as have nearly half (49%) of BSL users [2]
  • Managers: 11% of people with hearing loss, 18% of deaf people and 32% of BSL users have experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from managers at work in the last 12 months [2].  


[1] Find out more about subtitles in the RNID Subtitle It Report, 2023 (PDF, 3MB).

[2] (1) Find out more about public attitudes in the RNID ‘It does matter’ report, 2024 (PDF, 1.6MB)

[2] (2) Read more about British attitudes towards British Sign Language users.

[3] (1) Visit the NRCPD listing for registered sign language interpreters.

[3] (2) Find out more about language professionals in Scotland working with the deaf community.

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Page last updated: 20 December 2024

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