Hearing check survey 6 weeks Sharing your experience We’d like to found out: what prompted you to take the hearing check whether you’ve found the information we provide helpful and whether you’ve done anything since getting your result. The survey is anonymous and should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Which of these statements, if any, describe why you took the check?Please tick all that apply. I thought I might have hearing loss and wanted to find out more Someone else suggested I might have hearing loss A friend or family member shared the hearing check with me My employer shared the hearing check with me A GP or health professional recommended I take the check I was curious and wanted to check my hearing I saw a post on social media It looked quick and easy to do Other Please specify. Did you expect that your result would suggest you might have hearing loss? Yes No Don’t know How much time passed between noticing a difference in your hearing and taking the online hearing check? Less than 6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Don’t know How helpful or unhelpful did you find the information from RNID about your hearing check result and next steps? Extremely helpful Very helpful Fairly helpful Not so helpful Not at all helpful Don’t know Please tell us more about what you found unhelpful. How could we improve the hearing check and the information we provide? Have you done any of these things since getting your hearing check result?Please tick all that apply. Had an in-person hearing test Taken another online hearing check Got more information about hearing loss Spoken to a friend or family member about my hearing Spoken to a GP or health professional about my hearing Tried to get a GP appointment None of the above Would you have done this if you hadn’t taken the online hearing check? Yes No Which of these statements, if any, describe why you haven’t taken action on your hearing check result? I don’t think I have hearing loss I don’t think I need support with my hearing at the moment I plan to take action, I just haven’t done it yet I’m not sure what to do next Other Please specify. So far, what has been the outcome of taking action on your hearing check result?Please tick all that apply I’ve had treatment for ear wax build up I’m waiting for treatment for ear wax build up I’m waiting for an audiology or ENT appointment A hearing health professional confirmed that I have hearing loss A hearing health professional confirmed that I don’t have hearing loss I’ve been fitted with hearing aid(s) I’m waiting to be fitted with hearing aid(s) Other Please specify. Is there any feedback you would like to share about your experience of using the online hearing check? Are you happy for your feedback to be included in our marketing materials? Yes No